At BCITO, our primary goal is to support each of our apprentices on their journey to success. To help achieve this goal, we've assembled a group of 15 exceptional apprentices who collaborate with us across various industry sectors. These remarkable individuals are known as Apprentice Leaders, and together they form the Apprentice Leadership Group.

Today, we're thrilled to share the transformative journey of Annie Theewis, one of our Timber Joinery Apprentices, during her experience at the Outward Bound Course which was an opportunity for her personal growth and development.

Annie's OB exp 5-min.jpg

Among the many highlights, the most significant for Annie were the moments spent with the team, fostering strong bonds with fellow apprentices. Heart-to-heart conversations were a key part of these connections. Additionally, Annie thoroughly enjoyed the high ropes course, which added an exciting dimension to her experience.

"I learned a lot about my limits and what I can achieve when I push myself," she explained. "The experience has made me a better leader and taught me that I can achieve more than I initially believed when I push myself."

The Outward Bound “is an experience that teaches you a lot about yourself, and it's something I'll never forget. You create an irreplaceable bond with your team that goes beyond the course. I would recommend it without hesitation to anyone"

Annie's journey at Outward Bound perfectly encapsulates the essence of the programme where personal growth, teamwork, and pushing one's limits are celebrated. We're proud to have Apprentice Leaders like Annie, who wholeheartedly embrace the opportunity for personal development and are eager to share their transformative experiences with others.