New Zealand Certificate in Concrete Construction Skills Level 3
with strands in Formwork, Reinforcing, Placing and Finishing, Specified Concrete Finishes, Concrete Product Manufacture, Concrete Sawing and Drilling, and Precast Concrete Manufacture.
How long it takes
The New Zealand Certificate in Concrete Construction Skills Level 3 typically takes from one to three years to complete depending on the number of strands you choose.
How much it costs
You can find out more about costs by referring to What it costs and how long it takes. For more information contact the team at BCITO Te Pūkenga.
What you'll learn
This qualification covers the following areas:
Compulsory fundamentals
- health and safety
- teamwork and communication
- job documentation
- construction mathematics
This qualification can be tailored by you to match what you do on the job every day depending which strands you enrol in.
(choose at least one of these and include strands that are relevant to the type of work you'll be doing)
- formwork
- reinforcing
- placing and finishing
- specified concrete finishes
- concrete product manufacture
- concrete sawing and drilling
- precast concrete manufacture
Need to know more?
For additional qualification information refer to the NZQA website or call us: 0800 422 486.