NZ Certificate in Glass Processing Level 4
How long it takes
The New Zealand Certificate in Glass Processing Level 4 typically takes 30 months to complete.
How much it costs
You can find out more about costs by referring to What it costs and how long it takes. For more information contact the team at BCITO Te Pūkenga.
What you'll learn
You'll learn the skills required by people who process glass. This qualification covers:
Core skills
- workplace fundamentals including safety, teamwork, customer service, legislation and drawings
- glass knowledge and terminology
- cutting glass manually and by machine
- glass processing including edgework, notching, drilling and countersinking
- calculating, ordering and moving glass
Elective strands
- insulated glass units (IGUS)
- toughened and heat strengthened glass
- screen printed glass
- laminated glass
- CNC machinery
Need to know more?
For additional qualification information refer to the NZQA website or call us: 0800 422 486.