BCITO Sports matches motivated athletes with employers looking for apprentices in the building and construction trades, in order to secure everyone’s future.

Turning play into pay

BCITO Sports has the networks and skills to help professional sportspeople and players build their next careers in the trades.

We do this by providing flexible apprenticeship programmes working alongside their existing sporting commitments.

Secure your future beyond the field

Through our partnerships with sporting associations, BCITO Sports provides:

  • Career pathways: Helping retiring athletes transition into new careers.
  • Professional development: Offering clubs and associations tools to build and retain their numbers.
  • Apprenticeship opportunities: Connecting school leavers with apprenticeships through their sports clubs and schools.
  • Trade-positive attitudes: Encouraging apprentices to bring valuable skills from sports into their trades, including teamwork, motivation, personal health knowledge, and a drive for success.

BCITO traditional apprenticeship

With study options to cater for athletes at all levels, now is the best time to jump into a building and construction career with BCITO Sports.

Our flexible study options allow athletes to put their apprenticeship on hold while representative commitments are happening and restart once the season ends.

Gain skills and knowledge in the trades to secure your retirement plan from the game.

How to start an Apprenticeship

BCITO enterprise package

An online theory-based programme to give you a great stepping stone into an apprenticeship.

Work your way through BCITO resources to learn theory and gain formal recognition. Bite-sized chunks of learning are available for you to complete one at a time.

Reduce the time your apprenticeship will take when you retire from sport or become able to juggle both commitments.

For the clubs

Offer your members or potential talent extra reasons to choose your club with the BCITO Sports programmes. They’ll see a future with you and a career beyond that.

Get in tough today to discuss how we can help your club and your members with a BCITO Sports package.

Get BCITO Sports to support you on and off the field:

Our BCITO Sports Partnerships