Building support for learners with disabilities

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We know that disabled ākonga account for one in four learners, and more employers and apprentices may need tailored support. Andrew Green is the Principal Advisor for Learners with Disabilities at BCITO. 

Andrew says, “BCITO constantly seeks ways to support and empower our apprentices to achieve their qualifications, and this has obvious positive flow on effects to all aspects of the apprentice’s lives.”

At the BCITO, we have four clear objectives:

  1. Resource and support our ākonga to give the best opportunity for success.
  2. Resource, support, and educate our frontline staff to in turn, support our ākonga.
  3. Build relationships with external advocacy groups such as Deaf Aotearoa and the Dyslexia Foundation of New Zealand, among others.
  4. Break down barriers that may be limiting apprentice's ability to succeed. This includes employment and educational outcomes.

If you have any questions or want to know more, please get in touch with Andrew via email at, or call 0277026003.

Don’t let dyslexia hold you back. Click the image to watch Sophie’s video.