Train your current team

If you have someone on your team who you're ready to train, we can get that underway right now.

I'm ready to sign one of my team into an apprenticeship.

Get started

Future-proof your business

Training an apprentice is an investment in your business and industry. 

You may be able to get Government support for your business while you train tāngata.

By training an apprentice you lay down the foundations for hardworking, loyal employees who understand how your business operates. Reduce risk and re-work. Increase efficiency and profitability. 

You can develop your team’s skills to meet your standards and win tenders easily with a qualified team.

How to support an apprentice

Find an apprentice

We have a dedicated job-matching service that puts capable and eager career seekers in touch with employers looking for apprentices.

You provide the training, we’ll handle the rest.

BCITO offers ongoing support for you and your apprentices during their training.

Our advisors periodically visit to help you keep training on track. Best of all, aromatawai and paperwork is fully managed by BCITO.

We also provide workforce development plans and other practical resources to keep you up to date with current industry trends.

How training works

Upskill yourself or your team

A positive workplace culture fosters business growth. That’s why we don’t just offer apprenticeships, we also offer training and qualifications for your existing team.

By training your existing team, they’ll be more valuable, more motivated, and encouraged to stay in your business longer. 


Futureproof your business with niche skills that are in high demand and suit the way that work is evolving.

A BCITO micro-credential is where your team can gain specialist skills in a short timeframe.

Find out more

Get your existing experience formally recognised

If you’ve worked in the industry for a few years, but don’t have a qualification we’ll help you get one. 

Get qualified 

Level up your supervisory skills

New Zealand’s construction industry has an extreme shortage of qualified supervisors. Gain the experience and skills you need to be a high-performing qualified supervisor. 

And for an employer, gain an extra pair of hands to help the team with day to day management.

Start training

Contact us

Ready to take on an apprentice or upskill your team? Give us a call and we’ll help you find the right fit for your business.

0800 4 BCITO
+64 4 381 6430

Level 5, 234 Wakefield Street

PO Box 2615, Wellington 6140