Nominations for the 2023 AAJ and Glass & Glazing Apprentice Awards

Nominations are now open for the 2023 AAJ and Glass & Glazing Apprentice Awards

The Window and Glass Association of NZ and BCITO are seeking nominations for the upcoming awards:

Most Promising AAJ Apprentice of the Year

To be eligible for this award, the nominee:

  • Must be in a current BCITO Training Agreement
  • Must have completed and excelled in the first year of their apprenticeship since 1 April 2022.

AAJ Apprentice of the Year

To be eligible for this award, the nominee:

  • Must have completed their apprenticeship after 1 April 2022.

Most Promising Glass & Glazing Apprentice of the Year

To be eligible for this award, the nominee:

  • Must be in a current BCITO Training Agreement
  • Must have attended their first Off Job Training course after 1 April 2022 but not attended their second year yet.

Glass & Glazing Apprentice of the Year/ Allan Sage Memorial Award

To be eligible for this award, the nominee:

  • Must have attended their final off-job training course after 1 April 2022, either completed or still in training but must be still working as a glazier or glass processor in the glass industry at the time of entry.

If you have an eligible apprentice you feel is deserving of either of these awards, please complete the relevant nomination form by following the links below. To submit please email the completed nomination form to by 5pm, Friday 28 April 2023.

A judging panel will review all nominations as well as receive feedback from the nominee’s Training Advisor before making their final decision. View judging critera here.

The award will be presented on Friday 23 June at Auckland Museum.

Thank you for your assistance in encouraging your apprentice to excel in their career.

Nomination forms: