BCITO's best tips for new apprentices

The top 5 things you need to remember if you're a new apprentice.


Your first point of contact with BCITO is to call us on call us on 0800 422 486 or contact your Training Advisor once you're assigned to one.

Put this number in your phone now.


If any of your contact details change, let us know. We can’t get in touch if you’ve lost your phone and had to get a new number or if you’ve moved house and we don’t know your new address – you could miss out on important information and opportunities.


If your employment situation changes your Training Agreement will need to be updated and the status of your apprenticeship may change. Contact us and we’ll help you sort it all out.

4. BCITO’s role is to help you get qualified and mentor you. 

We can’t advise you on any other employment-related issues relating to wages, holidays, or terms and conditions of your employment. Employment New Zealand is the government department that you can go to for employment-related advice.

5. Don’t panic if it seems like there’s heaps to do.

You’ll get there! Keep on track with your myBCITO course, uploading evidence to be assessed and reading your resources and you’ll be more than ready when it’s time for your assessments.

Your BCITO Training Advisor will review your engagement in myBCITO at least once a month and visit you on site around 3 times per year to complete assessments as you progress. If it’s not quite time for a scheduled visit and you’d like some advice about your training and progress – don’t hesitate to get in touch.

That’s just about all you need to remember. We hope you’re looking forward to the experiences and challenges that lie ahead in your apprenticeship.