Learner Focused Training
Online classes held once a week tailored for carpentry apprentices seeking support with their apprenticeship. Cohorts can be created for general learning support within carpentry, and for different ethnicities.
This is free for all BCITO apprentices - it’s funded by the BCITO Learning Success team.
Support Carpentry Sessions
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What it is
1.5-hour, online zoom sessions with an experienced facilitator, learning key carpentry topics, with literacy and numeracy skills. Courses can be created for other ethnicities.
Course option 1: Carpentry sessions - Learning support
Course option 2: Carpentry sessions - Filipino support
Who it's for
Carpentry apprentices who are having difficulty understanding their books or English language and would like support in smaller groups at a slower pace.
What they’ll get
Carpentry topics broken down into easy-to-understand sessions. They get to work through it together and gain literacy and numeracy skills along the way.
“A lot of our apprentices don’t know how to study or where to start. He teaches bite-sized pieces and makes learning fun.”
Want to apply for this free learning support service?
Available for all BCITO apprentices