REAP Aotearoa

Drop-in support sessions between 5-7pm in Kaitaia, Featherston, Masterton, Nelson, Blenheim, Kaikoura, Westport. Hosted by a local TA and a REAP (Rural Education Activities Programme) representative.

This is free for all BCITO apprentices - it’s funded by the BCITO Learning Success team.

Who it’s for

Those who’d like a space to work in (rather than home) with like-minded apprentices, who may need access to a device, help navigating myBCITO, or could benefit from literacy and numeracy support.

What they’ll get

A supportive work environment with other apprentices, access to a TA for any questions, and assistance from REAP with literacy and/or other difficulties, differences or neurodiversities. Plus, the bonus of a bit of kai.

“We were running a help session once a week, where any-one can pop in. One of our apprentices (with ADHD) started coming and went from 20% to 80% work completion.”

Want to apply for this free learning support service?

Available for all BCITO apprentices