BCITO tools grant
Applications are now closed.
What is the BCITO Tools Grant?
The biggest expense when you start your apprenticeship is the purchase of tools. We hope these Grants will help new apprentices offset the initial purchase of tools.
How many grants are available?
Thirty (30) $1,000 tools grants will be available in 2024. Individuals can only be awarded a BCITO Tools Grant once.
How much are the grants worth?
Each grant is for $1,000 incl GST (if applicable).
Who is eligible?
Applicants must be:
- a current apprentice who enrolled with BCITO after 19 August 2024
- enrolled in a BCATS and/or BCITO Gateway programme in 2025 and plan to become a BCITO apprentice within ten months of 18 August 2025.
What can the grants be used for?
Grant recipients can purchase tools and/or equipment needed for their trade apprenticeship.
How do you apply?
Applications can be made by completing the BCITO Tools Grant application and returning this to BCITO by post or email to hello@bcito.org.nz. Your portfolio should include:
- Evidence of your current situation and a description of how you are eligible for the scholarship.
- An explanation of how the tools grant will help you reach your career goals.
- A description of the specific tools you will use the tools grant to purchase including evidence of the cost of those tools.
When should applications be made?
Applications are open from 21 July 2025 to 18 August 2025. They are now closed.
How will applications be considered?
All applications will be considered by BCITO managers who may request additional information from the applicant or from their Training Advisor. The managers will assess how well the intended use of the grant meets the purpose of this scheme. All decisions made will be final.
How and when will applicants be notified?
All applicants will be notified by email or phone within one month of the managers meeting, held immediately after applications close. Those awarded grants may also be published on BCITO media channels and must be available for media interviews if required.
How are grants claimed once awarded?
Payment will be made direct to the nominated bank account provided in the initial application within two months of the grant being awarded.
BCITO reserves the right to request evidence of how the grant has been used up to one year following payment.
Applications are now closed.
Email hello@bcito.org.nz for enquiries.
Terms and conditions will be available once the grant is open.