It’s that time of year again!

Silver Trowel Poster '24.png

Time to be thinking of celebrating excellence in the Brick & Blocklaying sector. Entries are open for the 2024 Apprentice of the Year Silver Trowel Award Competition. Time goes fast these days so we’re giving you three months' notice to get your paperwork together. Registration forms and portfolios will need to be submitted to the Master Brick & Blocklayer Awards Convenor by 31 May 2024.

Registration Forms:
Sliver Trowel Employer Recommendation Form 2024
Sliver Trowel Employer Portfolio Instructions 2024
Sliver Trowel Registeration Form 2024

You need to be thinking about two projects that you have been working on (one masonry veneer example and one concrete structural masonry example), to showcase the work you have been undertaking, most likely during last year and in 2024.

The Award is open to apprentices who have completed their second-year block course between 1 June 2023 and 31 May 2024. Amongst other things, you’ll need to consider:

  • Whether the work required a building consent and if it was/is Restricted Building Work.
  • Putting together an explanation of the construction methods used.
  • Any building standards that applied to the work.
  • How health and safety and environmental risks were managed.

Think about your portfolio layout just as any job, it is important to plan your work carefully before you start.

Start taking photos of your work so you have evidence of the jobs that you carried out – this will not only help your Training Advisor with your assessments, but it will help the Awards judge visually see the work you have done (think of one close-up photo and one from further away.)

If you are an Awards finalist you may be required to attend a heat to complete a project for judging. More information will be available closer to the judging date.

Your Training Advisor will have all the necessary information and forms for your application – you’ll also be able to get them from Master Brick & Blocklaying at

We’ll be sending reminders to all eligible apprentices – we want to give you as much time as possible to put together your application and to make sure that you cover the criteria mentioned above.

Employers play a significant role in supporting their apprentices to apply and to give them guidance along the way – so tap the boss on the shoulder if you need a hand.

All the very best with your application.