Feedback & Complaints

Help us make sure every experience you have with BCITO is as good as it can be.

Have you got some feedback for us? 

Maybe you’d like to give us a compliment about a great experience you’ve had, make a complaint, or have some feedback about something else.

Whatever the reason, we’d like to hear from you. And if you have a problem, we want to put things right.

Please email us at


We are committed to high levels of customer service and have developed a complaint notification, management and resolution process.

A complaint can be about anything to do with BCITO, for example, it might be about our processes, our services or our tāngata.

We have a process to manage complaints. These are recorded by our team and investigated and resolved by a BCITO Manager. We want you to know the outcome of your complaint, if you would like that too please let us know your preferred method of communication; it could be an email, a phone call or not at all.

Complaints process

  • All complaints are recorded and investigated by a BCITO manager in a timely manner.
  • When a complaint is received, we record it in our complaints register and a BCITO manager is assigned to investigate.
  • We will respond to you using your preferred method of communication.
  • If the complaint is about another people, such as a BCITO employee, we will involve them in this process.
  • Once the investigation is complete, if requested, we will communicate the outcome with you, using your preferred method of communication.

Assessment Appeals process

BCITO Training Advisors assess an apprentice’s performance against the same standards used for everyone else who is completing the same qualification. Training Advisors collaborate with their peers across the country to ensure each one is assessing apprentices to the same standard. Training Advisors also receive dedicated support for their aromatawai practice and their decisions are moderated regularly. Moderation involves comparing the decisions of different Training Advisors to ensure that they are consistent with one another. If any member of the Assessment Team feels as though the Training Advisor is assessing an apprentice to a higher or lower standard than is required, these concerns should be raised and discussed with the other members of the Assessment Team, including the Training Advisor.

If the issue cannot be resolved in this way, you can lodge a formal appeal.

If you are still not satisfied, you can escalate the matter to the Tertiary Education Dispute Resolution.

If you would like to know more, please email us at