We’re seeking a new Apprentice Leader


2024 marks the beginning of a new cohort to the BCITO Apprentice Leader Group. We are actively seeking an apprentice in training to represent the Exterior Plastering or Plaster Cladding System Sector.

The highly successful Apprentice Leader programme has been running since 2022 and supports a group of learners in developing as leaders within their represented sector, also as a reference group for BCITO to improve its delivery methods.

Successful candidates are invited to attend a four-day Outward Bound programme focused on building leadership skills, personal development, and professional skills. After Outward Bound, our elected leaders are asked to participate in strategic reference groups to provide feedback on learning experiences, improve services, and test new digital tools being built. The Apprentice Leaders have the opportunity to generate real change for future BCITO trainees and the industries it serves.

At the apprentice leader programme, BCITO fosters the continual development of the leader by offering a Scholarship towards achieving the NZ Certificate in Construction Trades - Supervision.

BCITO understands employers' commitment to having their trainees develop in the Apprentice Leader programme. To make this a win-win opportunity, apprentice time will be compensated to the employer, plus all travel, extra training, and preparation/meeting time will be covered.

If you know of any young leaders in the exterior plastering sector or can see an opportunity for someone to grow into this role, please get in touch with your training advisor or email Lachlan.Mitchell at Lachlan.Mitchell@bcito.org.nz