Get a Gateway student
A Gateway programme is your entry to finding potential apprentices, while they’re still at school. You get to see if they’re for you, and they get to see if the trades are for them. All while helping the next generation get into the trades.
BCITO is covering driver’s licence fees for all BCITO Gateway students, setting them up for success in the trades. For full terms and conditions take a look at our Gateway MoU.
This is your Gateway
Being a Gateway employer is a way of finding future apprentices for your company. You will have the chance to
- see what a student’s made of, how keen they are and how they work with others.
- see if they’re the right person to take on as an apprentice when they finish school.
- enjoy another set of hands on a job site and some fresh enthusiasm.
- help young people get inspired to work in the trades by giving them a foot in the door.
From the Horse's Mouth
There’s nothing like hearing it from the horses mouth. Faulkner Construction has been a Gateway employer for over a decade, and is reaping the benefits with students who became apprentices, who then became foreman.

“I believe in giving something back to the industry, and am passionate about getting young people into training. It’s a bit of commitment on staff, but it’s offset by the help we gain from these students. One of my original Gateway students from about ten years ago is now my foreman. Actually, I’ve had four come through Gateway and become foremen. I tell all my apprentices; one day I want you to be the leaders of my business with crew under you. It’s really coming into fruition now.
What you give, you get back threefold”
Ross Faulkner, Faulkner Construction
Become a BCITO Gateway employer
To become a BCITO Gateway employer, contact your local BCITO Business Development Advisor or local schools.
You can find out more about becoming a Gateway employer by clicking here.